Monday, May 21, 2007

The NEW AGE life : WHY here, what and how of life?

Every single living organism has a space or frequency in this scalable cosmos. Our musculo-vascular body from outside is merely a bit of sulfur, fat, sugar, ammonia, salt, iron and few other minerals to make a few small nails, some carbon and 36 pounds of water. The structure is composed of billions of cells. Each cell has a chemical factory inside producing living compounds. Essentially all elements of body are made of some clay; air, water and fire but so are all other animals. But a human being cannot be valued by merely these perishable elements. Human is the most sophisticated living being and every one of us possesses enormous spiritual powers that no other specie can claim. Human birth is the manifestation of most creative forever expanding life forces. But it is not merely the perishable body.

The real BEING in the human being is the invisible soul body that actually makes a living entity as vibrantly alive. This invisible body is visible by the evolved beings with normal eyes too.

This auric luminous sphere is composed of electro-magnetic divine energy that creates its own reality; in the vibratory waves network, that connects us with the rest of the universe. As we understood each individual being has its own frequency but that's merely a way to understand our existence; however if you see from a higher angle all these vibratory energies communicate among themselves like cables on telephone poles. This entity called soul and its physio-chemical part known as spirit is a very complete being but like a child has an umbilical cord with the mother, it has its invisible cord connected with the root tree. Upto this level it is pure, pristine, never dies nor perishable; however to reach to the frequency of even lowest level human being it has to pass through hundreds of thousands of tunnels of life forms and travel billions of light years to find a way to become human being.

A human birth is like a set frequency that has a limit and it must renew itself or go back to its original form. When we come into a human body a meter of life starts ticking that has more or less a preset number of breaths. With this dimension and new start the individual ego creates itself with the new identity and it "thinks" that time meter of its own existence is the time of universe, when it is reverse. The universe is timeless.

Human life is set to a timer and it has its goals. The drama and sensory pleasures, the threads of desires that take birth after the soul and body merges into one new identity; makes the soul body confused as it begins to identify itself with a given name. The human life thus through the creative faculties of mind, the consciousness part of soul, enters into a web of desires that later give birth to greed, selfishness and more desires. It becomes an endless chain of desires.


tamil album said...

ya the thing you told is absolutely correct the world is made of just nothing ie atoms all here for a drama
directed by god produced by god
and making ourselves as actors

VS Janani said...

Yup, true to Shakespeare's words
"All the World's a stage and we human are all actors and actresses on stage".